Thursday, July 21, 2011

How can i grow like, a goatee?

all i want to do is grow a little bit of hair on and under my chin? im only 14, but is there any way to speed this process up a little?

Schizophrenia no hallucinations?

Is it possible for a schizophrenic to not suffer from audio or visual hallucations? I have a lot of the characteristsics of a schizophrenic but I've never hallucinated before. Some of the problems I did have were delusions, paranoia, felt like people were constantly judging me and there were conspiracies against me. I also had a lot of mood changes including mania and lots of depression. I also have the characteristic of blank facial expression and don't know what to say in groups of people. i socially isolate myself because i am not comfortable in front of people and feel like i have to flee.

I just bought a 2007 Toyota Camry XLE with 78,950 miles, where can i buy an extended auto warranty?

Also is it best to get bumper to bumper coverage. I have never bought a warranty before so please help me! How many years should i get and what cost is acceptable?

Why is it "bad" that my husband works in a restaurant?

So, my "wonderful" extended family is having a BBQ for the 4th, and everyone is invited! Except for me and my husband, of course. When it's JUST family, we are always invited, but when people outside the family are present (people to impress!), we are not included in a vary blatant way. My family fits the bill of "affluent conservative republicans" to a T. I am the little, unspoken "black mark" on my family tree because I grew up and married someone I loved, not for the money. The very same reason my parents were outcasts for many many years (my dad married a woman who wanted to be a housewife instead of a lawyer! Gasp!). The whole issue is about the fact my husband is happy working in a restaurant, and I'm happy working retail part time. It would be generous to say we earn half of what the next lowest earning member of my family does combined, yet somehow, were the only one of my "generation" (my cousins and second cousins) who have never had to ask for monetary help. We don't have 3 brand new Mercedes in the driveway, but we've also never carried debt, have an actual savings account, and actually have time to spend together after work and on weekends. We budget our money well, and while we don't have luxuries like tv, we do save on our gym memberships by taking hikes and going camping all the time (much better than any tv in my opinion). Our jobs are low stress, and we leave work where it belongs- at work! We live simply, and that's how we like it. We are adults, taking care of ourselves just fine, I just don't understand why we are so embarrassing. My cousin and his wife spent so frivolously after getting married, they went from a few thousand in student loan debts to the verge of declaring bankruptcy in 3 years. One cousin works for a big law firm, and I wouldn't be shocked if he's doing something a little more than unethical to advance as fast as he has past more qualified people (he couldn't even pass the bar!). My husband gets the brunt of the negativity, since he is the man of the house. He's not selling crack to kids, he works a honest, normal job. My family has done many shameful things over many generations, I don't think the guy who is hard working and tries his best to always do the right thing is the problem here. It just makes me so angry we can't be seen by their friends. .I'm tired of their bulls***, and I'm thinking this really is the final straw, and we will probably just cut contact with them. This has been going on for years, and I'm just so fed up. I mean, what would you do with a family like this? It's not my parents, it's my aunts and uncles and cousins. Over my entire life, none of us have ever really gotten along anyways, I just don't see any point in talking to these people anymore. My moms side is very close, and not part of the problem, but my dads side, I just don't care about. What would you do?

How is my Story so far?

Not bad, not bad at all. It certainly held my interest. I like your prose style. This is short for a chapter though. Expand it. But I definitely get the jist. Nice work. Keep going.

Why do I feel nervous when men are watching me?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can you guys tell me how this short story is?

It's nice...I mean your writing skills are really good. Your English is perfect and I loved the sense of drama. However as far as the short story is concerned, I didn't really like it. No offense...I mean there wasn't any substance to it. Then again, it's just my opinion. You're a really great writer though. So keep it up! :-D

PLEASE ANSWER!! what are these bugs?

i saw one yesterday on my arm. it jump off really quick. then i saw it again and i caught it and popped it. blood came out when i popped it. then this morning, i saw another on my leg and popped it. they're little red bugs that jump. they left red dots on my feet before (small and flat) sometimes itchy but not really. are they lice? my head isnt itchy though. or ticks/flees? my brother's stupid girlfriend use to bring her uglyazz dog over and that thing had flees.

UK postgrad mitigating circumstance?

I am studying in UK uni but now i'm in Thailand doing my paper from home. I wrote a mitigating circumstance to extent my research project. Actually, the project was already extended till 30 june. But i was unable to do the project very well.I have been losing motivation, concentration, interest to do things, and insomnia. I know that I have problem but in Thailand, we don't normally go to psychiatrist (or at lease for my family, my parents think that people who go to psychiatrist are crazy). However, I decided to go to psychiatrist and was diagnosed of having "Bipolar Depression". I contact the university on 20th, went to the doctor on 21st, and submit the mitigating circumstance on 24th. I'm now so worried...They didn't email me back yet. Do you think they will grant me another extension?

Thoughts on this poem about madness?

Wow! This is grand! I love reading poems with a sing-song pattern. Poems you can almost sing are poems that sway - but be impeccable and study iambs - not a particularly necessary advice but the knowledge of iambs may help a lot. And don't forget to read about meter, rhyme, and rhythm (as I've said previously). Judging from your two postings, I believe that you will find rhythm easy and fun to learn.

Where do you buy legalized pistols in the UK ?

I understand that you can purchase pistols such as colt 1911' in the uk with a FAC if you get them with an extended barrel and wire stock but is there an online store where you can see prices etc?

Would this goatee suit me?

i think it would. your face is more round and circle like than his is, so it will look different. but I think it would still look good. :)

Why can't i grow facial hair?

Well i'm 19 years old, I have pretty big side burns(haven't gotten a hair cut in awhile) but i've never had to shave a day in my life. I have a goatee that's coming along, it's not peach fuzz, but not a full fledged goatee...but no hair ever grows on my cheeks or around my cheek bones. I couldn't grow a beard even if i wanted to, and yet all of my friends have facial hair, why is this?

Are these signs that he's sad?

I was dating this guy for a little while and we had to break it up for really unfair reasons (long story) but we definitely had a connection and lots of chemistry. Well, I haven't seen or heard from him in a couple of months and he was recently tagged in pics looking like he's gained weight and is now growing a goatee...just looking very different from before. He's also never smiling in his profile pictures. And one of his friends wrote "Smile!!! We love you :))" on his facebook wall.

Can an employeer refuse to hire me because their policy is no goatee's?

I had an interview cut short because I was informed that the company does not allow goatee's at this time. They do allow mustaches though. I was confused by this because the store manager had a mustache that was bigger than my goatee. When I went in for the interview my goatee was well trimmed. I feel as if I was discriminated. Do I have any legal recourse with this? I understand if a company has a policy like "We do not allow you to drink on the job" that makes sense. But because I have hair on my chin I'm not qualified to assist customers?

Comparing a Birds wing to a Plans Wing:?

well, you're likely going to fail no matter what if you're looking for help on yahoo answers. But learning how to spell "plane" might at least bring you up to a D-. Way to go everyone else for doing someone's homework for them...

Why do girls think ALL men look better without a moustache?

I actually think facial hair is really hot, as long as it's nice facial hair. If it grows in patchy or looks like the guy hasn't finished puberty yet, then that's not a good thing, but I think it looks great on pretty much any guy that can grow it in nice and thick. I'm not a fan of big, long wiry looking beards or anything, I'd prefer it to be trimmed relatively short, but facial hair is HOT.

I know you guys have seen this question countless time, but what should I be when I grow up?

my friend becca has a masters in biology. she works in research, and basically just hangs around and does science.

Does this shy girl like me? I'll answer your questions?

Honestly, I am exactly the same way I usually only talk and joke with my friends and when guys get all flirty with me I kinda just smile and I do short answer them even if I do like them and I have no idea why I act like that I just do.what I would do If I were you is just talk sweet to her don't over do it with the flirting beacause chances are you will just make her uncomfortable I personally believe she does like you alot she just dosnt know how to show you.

Portability rules for section 8 in Oregon?

What are the rules if I move to CA to care for relative, then move back with section 8 portability to Oregon? I expect I will be in Ca. extending 1=years

If a hair split (breaks) will it still grow?

I am trying to grow my goatee but every time it grows a bit I play with it quite a lot causing it to have split ends. Will it still grow ?

How can I help out my brother-in-law who is a private in the Army who just found out he is a father?

My brother-in-law is a 20 year old with a mind set of a 14 year old boy. He just graduated from basic and training two weeks ago. He took a paternity test and found out that he is the father to a two month old boy. He has orders to take him to Korea in the beginning or middle of July. He is on leave at the moment but he is running out of time fast. He is in the Army but where he is on leave there is a Navy base around 30 min away. The mother is an absolute train wreck. She doesn't bathe the baby but every three or four days and the baby has horrible diaper rash. The poor baby has open blisters and she doesn't know how to properly change a diaper to keep the baby dry. Well my b-in-law cannot get the mother onto base now because she has no picture ID, no driver's license, or state ID card. She cannot get on base to set up child support or set the baby up as his dependent in the system. (I know alot of this stuff because I am a veteran and I am an air force wife.) He is running out of time fast and I have no idea what advice to give him. I wish there was a way to extend his orders. He found out just last week that this is his child and it is completely the wrong time. Not to mention that he is immature and is not taking the right steps to maximize the time that he has left before he has to report to his duty station! Can anyone give me some advice on what to tell him?!?

Medical Doctor, new Graduate in US. No VISA. Need Advice?

Hello my boyfriend just graduated with his medical degree. He is from the West Indies. He is here on a B1 Visa (Student Visa expired) He needs to begin his residency. Please, I humbly ask if anyone out there knows of any programs for educated professional doctors who want to work in the US or of any Hospitals that sponsor MD's on Visa in NY/NJ area. OR is there a way for him to work while he has a Visa? can he extend his Visa while he searches for a hospital. He is well spoken, kind, healthy, productive. He is very stressed out and at his wits end. I love him and really want him to stay. He wants to work and is clearly qualified. This is no joke. Again, I humbly ask you for your suggestions on how this deserving man can remain in the US and work as a medical doctor. In advance, I thank you.

I need help protecting my siblings, what do I do?

Get on the phone with your local equivalent of the Department of Children and Families. Their job is to deal with this sort of crazy situation. If you really fear that your dad is going to do something crazy like kidnap your siblings don't hesitate to call the cops.

Is this a STD or.. Male Std?

I have like a red line on my penis underneath, the last time I had sex was about 5 months ago, im only 17 so I don't know to much about this.. It looks like how a sun burn would look but on the underside of my penis.. It spreads out around the base then extends up the middle still under my penis, possible STD? I feel normal I mean.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

PLEASE ANSWER!! what are these bugs?

i saw one yesterday on my arm. it jump off really quick. then i saw it again and i caught it and popped it. blood came out when i popped it. then this morning, i saw another on my leg and popped it. they're little red bugs that jump. they left red dots on my feet before (small and flat) sometimes itchy but not really. are they lice? my head isnt itchy though. or ticks/flees? my brother's stupid girlfriend use to bring her uglyazz dog over and that thing had flees.

Cat question?What would you like to ask?Can hamster bathing sand be used for cats?

i have a long gone hamster , and i still have a bucket of hamster bathing sand ( on the back of plastic bag says that: cleans fur, kills flee , doesn't harm thier nose/eyes, makes their fur smooth...) so i was thinking , why not give it to my cat. cuz it seems such a waste . i think their not cats, maybe kittens. cuz they're very naughty and playful. so should i. cuz i see my hamster also s.h.i.t in there so maybe cats do 2.

If God was going to destroy the earth?

In the future if God was so angry at the sin committed on earth and he wanted to destroy his creation by fire (possibly an asteroid), what would be expected of us to do if we had the technology to flee the planet? Since his intent was get rid of the human race would we have to stay on the planet or would we choose to use some type of space craft to preserve our species? What would YOU as an individual choose for us to do?

My cat is missing hair on her back legs and skin is red and very sensitive. What should I do?

My neighbors cat had a similar problem but it was around the neck. It seemed to get better then worsend. She took the cat to the vet where it was treated. Cat is now fine and is living indoors safely.

Extended and amended, my Haunting poem, would you leave comments or critique please? Thank you?

First two lines still need a bit of work. L3, V3, two 'hers' in such close succession is slightly jarring. - 'newborn boy' would flow smoother. L4, perhaps - 'was crushed when Death left her to grieve'

What could this reoccuring dream mean?

in the dream i am doing some kind of drug that is liquid and yellowish-clear, that i shoot up in a needle. ive had this dream 3-5 times in the past 3 weeks. the first one started out with this guy with a goatee showing me the drugs and how to do it(but no words were said), it looked like he was looking down on me like he was really high up or tall or something, then i used the drugs, and every dream now i just use the drugs then wake up.

Where to buy retail display panel (gridwall)?

I need some panels for my flee market stand, can anyone recommend a good online store where I can order a few at reasonable price?

Young Japanese men with short beards (goatees) -- is this a trend among a certain subculture of people?

Young people such as university students, part-time workers, talents, and soccer players, typically like to have such short beards.

Condom keeps falling off..?

I've not had sex for a couple years until recently. Me and a girl I've been dating have started having casual sex. However, 2 times in the past couple weeks, the condom has fallen off. This has NEVER happened to me before, so I don't know why it's happening. I'm a little over 7 inches long and 5.5 in girth, so I don't think it's a size issue. I know the first time I wasn't fully erect because I was having issues with a medication I was taking, but last night it was fine. The lining of the condom was even indented on my shaft. The condom was fully extended, as well. We do not use lube, but the girl I am with is always well lubed, naturally, after some foreplay, so it's not an issue there either. I really don't know what to do. She's not on birth control, yet, and neither of us want a kid at this time... lol. The only thing I can think of is that she'll start pulsating and get really tight after we go for a bit and it might get pulled off from that, but I don't think so because, like I've said, this has never happened to me in the past. It's just a little embarrassing for the both of us, and mood killing.

What would you rate my essay, A, B,C etc.?

I would give it a B.I wrote my essays just like you and I always got a B. But the reason was that I didn't have enough parenthetical references.I think you could use some more of that and you could add a little bit more analysis to your individual paragraphs

Can I still grow taller?

yes! definitely, just don't do drugs/smoke/jerk off! :D and yeah you might be 6.3 when you turn 19 or 18 ;D and eat properly

Are these signs that he's been depressed?

I was dating this guy for a little while and we had to break it up for really unfair reasons (long story) but we definitely had a connection and lots of chemistry. Well, I haven't seen or heard from him in a couple of months and he was recently tagged in pics looking like he's gained weight and is now growing a goatee...just looking very different from before.

Georgia's immigrant crackdown FAILED! Didn't activist say that there are no jobs Americans will not do?

It speaks to immigration reform nationally. We need a system where companies can get the visas they need to hire temporary foreign workers. We need to assure that those who are working, continue working and those who are here to live through crime, are caught and removed. We need a system that takes temporary needs into account, like when there is a national disaster. We need to be able to legalize aliens who are out of status inside the US. If we continue trying to work with our broken system, we'll just need to do an amnesty every 20 years to clean out the backlog. We need a system that works.

Have You Noticed That The Worse The U.S. Economy Gets, The More Our President Golfs & VACATES?

The worse it gets, the more he flees, and as a true coward, he leaves all of his messeges behind for all of us to hear...Hmmmm...Who does/did that sound like ? Ten points for you ?

Is it selfish that my sister is asking my husband to shave his beard off for her wedding?

I don't understand whatsoever, my sister is marrying my husbands best friend of 20 years and she has asked that he be clean shaved for their wedding. His beard is not unruly or terribly long, it's just a little bit of hair and I personally think it looks very nice. I think this is a very selfish request. My husband is quite offended because he feels that he was asked by his best friend to be in the wedding for their friendship not for his looks. There are other guys in the wedding who have facial hair and I'm pretty sure she's asked them all but one (he's had a goatee for years) to be clean shaved? I feel like this would be like her asking her bridesmaids to lose weight or dye their hair..

Christians, am I wrong for this? Am I doing right? 10 points?

People say when you date you should never bring up religion until the third time you see the guy. I don't believe in dating but if I'm going to have a partner and I'm interested in him and I want to see if he is good for me, I'd be sure to talk about God who is Jesus Christ. Because with that I know he has a moral back bone. I'd be sure he has God in life and test him before anything. I'll enlighten him about the bible and ask him question, to see whether he ever picked up the bible. If he only repeats only what ppl have said then there a fake trying to get on my pants... If he flees, then eh was no good, correct? or not looking for commitment like he said?

Gay Guys: Are my buddies gay together?

I noticed something strange...they are awfully close. They're like brothers...and that's understandable, because they probably are in a bromance together. But...I saw something that kind of caught me off guard....You see, my buddies are the mexican, pretty-boy, frat-guy, loud types. You know, the ones that have fades and groom their moustaches and goatees much like the way mine is in my avatar, play sports, and have kids or chase the ladies? (Yes I'm very observant and analytical, but NOT because I'm gay or bi...that's just the way I am) Anyways, being as how this is the way they are, it caught my very off guard with what I'm about to say....I was in high school when I saw them in front of me greeting each other aggressively, like guys, and then.... <:-D .....walked away with each other STILL holding each other's hands, haha! XD I freaked, mainly because it was passing period and there was a lot of people in the area. They didn't hold each other's hand for a long time, but they did they DID hold each other's hands for a brief moment, haha. Now, my question for you gay guys is....are my buddies gay together? I am just curious really. It's not because I'm secretly gay or bi or's just they're my friends, and I would just like to know if they're gay or bi without asking THEM cause I don't want to embarrass them.

How can I fix my CD for a video game that keeps freezing when I try playing it?

I try to play my game, but after a couple minutes or so it freezes all the time in the beginning and my console then says that the CD can't be read. I look on the back and there's no scratches or anything. In the light, instead of seeing lines extending out from the middle (like a regular CD shows) I see wavy rings around the middle, extending. It was like water rings, when something drops into water and creates rings. Except they aren't perfect circles, they're wavy.

My health insurer, United Healthcare, won't pay for anesthesia? What gives?

You do not extend the deadline. You pay the bill now, yourself, with money, without using the health insurance yet. When your wife returns and you have the letter from the insurance company, you submit the letter from the car insurance and the receipt showing that you paid the bill yourself to United, and then they reimburse you.

When i stand or sit for period of a time (usually upwards of an hour) i get bloated.?

I have had a history with an eating disorder, and I wouldn't say I'm the healthiest eater, but I am at a healthy weight and lifestyle. However, for the last couple of years I haven't been able to sit or stand for extended periods of time with out getting bloated. It doesn't correlate to my meals, as it just comes on whenever the conditions are right (ie. i have been standing for a while or sitting for awhile). It's like a build up of gas in my intestines. Any insight?

What are some tips on writing the second draft to a story?

Def read over and see what is necessary to keep for the rest of the story. Make sure the main things that you want in your story are already present or will be present (like clues that will lead to them). If you need more help feel free to email me, Haajspring06 (its my yahoo email) and I can help you out with it. I write all the time.

Why do I have such feminine features?

i think guys who have feminine facial features are the ones that most people would label the "pretty boy" however that doesn't apply for a feminine body type as much. You might want to go see a doctor if you're too worried because if you're body is looking too feminine you might have a hormonal imbalance

Will California have to build a wall?

Like the USSR did; to keep citizens from fleeing a failed socialist state? The State is losing a large portion of it's population who are fed up with oppressive socialist policies!

Why are jobs (and people) fleeing California for Texas?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a


actually really good..but i don't like the "let em takeover for a week" part....and yeah.. well done. but i hope you know your heavy contradictions to "your source"

LGBT: do you shave your legs?

I'm trying to make myself "reasonably attractive" haha, I'm just seeking advice. How many of you gay guys shave your legs? Do most other gay guys not really care if their partner's legs are shaved or not? Or yours? I shave my legs because I'm in swimming, but I'm not really even a competiteve swimmer, I just take an intermediate recreational swim course haha. But then again, I like my legs feeling smooth anyways. Just wondering. I'm also thinking about shaving my goatee, I feel like it doesn't fit me lol.

AP sources: Pakistan tipped off militants at bomb-making site again; How gullible can we be? (To trust them)?

We need to stop giving them 3 billion a year. They are a state sponsor of terrorism harboring more terrorists than the Taliban ever did in Afghanistan.

Switching from laptop to external display?

I have a new HP laptop running windows 7, my tower was damaged and I have a beautiful wide screen monitor that I want to use. My question is, how do you watch a movie on the widescreen monitor and use the laptop for something else??? This has been making me nuts. I have gone into display options and the only choices I have are extend or duplicate? Anyone know how to do this? I hit detect and identify and it does nothing. Have also done right click on desktop, also gone into Catalyst Control Center and just can't get this to work. It mirrors and extends, that's it! And why doesnt the PC recognize the monitor? Thanks in advance.

If a Mexican guy has freckles all over his body and has a red goatee is he part Irish.?

There's this guy who is Mexican but he has freckles and has a black goatee but has red bits of hair at the bottom part of his goatee. So my question is could he be part Irish.? Why or y not

Are Neegro's Semetic or Hametic? Consider This!?

About the time of Moses, Part of Egypt was ruled by "Shepherd Kings" who were relatively fair-skinned. Moses might not have stood out, even if he was not Hamitic.

What should I major in for pre-med?

I am having a hard time deciding between history and biology. I've always been an average to good student in the sciences in high school, and feel like I could use the biology instruction for a "refresher", but at the same time I know history will be easier and probably more enjoyable for me. I also dont want to be in college for an extended period of time, fulfilling both history major requirements and pre-med requirements. Will it extend my time in college by too long? Should I just major in biology? I also plan to take classes during summer and winter sessions whenever I can. I am currently working as an EMT and wondering how that will fit into my med school application. What else should I do in addition to my EMT work?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Photoshop Cs5 Trial finished?

I download a trail version of Cs5 and then an extended version and now I need the full version for school work but I cannot afford it so is there anyway I can get it for free without getting a virus etc or get a valid serial key?

Crooked knee cap? surgery?

Ok so ive had an issue with my knees sense i was 16. i first popped my knee cap out when i was 16 and the doctor told me i hyper extend both my knees and that i would have to take physical therapy and work on not hyper extending my knee. so i go through physical therapy and ive worked on not extending my knee which im successful at most of the time. The issue is even after physical therapy i still had problems with my knee. I have frequent pain, swelling, and popping and clicking. I let it go though and just tried to take pain medicine and just keep going. Last april my knee cap popped out again i had to quit my job and ive been in physical therapy sense. I didn't mention the popping and clicking or pain and swelling that i keep having but last friday when they were doing massage therapy they noticed that my knee cap was crooked i knew something had been wrong with it sense the first tie my knee popped out. My physical therapist says i have to see the doctor again. What im wondering is if there going to do surgery this time or not? im kinda on the fence about having surgery i want my knee to be stable and fine again but im already out of a job and my dad is losing his job july 21st i even had to stop being a vegetarian because we cant afford my replacement meals or vitamins anymore im having serious stomach pains and heartburn for eating meat again. My insurance will cover the surgery so the money doesn't worry me so much but i have bills to pay and im so miserable eating meat again i would really love to hurry up and get a job again so i can pay my bills and by my own groceries again. so is there a chance im going to need surgery and if so how long will it take me to bounce back and get to work. Ive been in physical therapy for almost 3 months now and there very little improvement so is it going to be that long if i have the surgery? I also want to ask if anyone knows what kind of surgery they might perform like what i should expect? any information would be very much appreciated.

HDMI cable not showing picture?

I hooked up my Vizio tv to my HP laptop and extended the screen of my monitor to my tv. The desktop of my laptop showed up on my tv, without any toolbar or icons. When I opened up firefox on my laptop, it didn't show up on my tv. But when I played video on the laptop, sound came out of the tv, but no video or picture. What's wrong?

Whats a good starting dirtbike?

I've been riding my friends dirt bike for a while and its loads of fun.... and i was looking into getting my own, i have $2000 budget and was wondering what is a good starting bike? Im 5'11 and 150 pounds. my friend told me to go to for a cheap starting bike, but those look like, well, flee market brands? Any help?

Will a chronic illnesses affect my chances at medical school?

I highly doubt that those conditions would effect your chances, especially if you're an excellent student.

How can i grow my goatee?

I am almost 16 and i have shaved my chin before. it has hair but there only noticeable if your up close. im not in a hurry but i want to grow it over the summer (2 1/2) months left. Everybody says to keep shaving it but some people say not too... any help?

How likely am i to win this lawsuit?

I was in an accident caused by a police chase. There was a robbery early in the morning but there were no suspects. Later that night police were on duty of the case of the robbery. The driver that hit me passed a few stop signs which police saw. The driver refused to stop after the police signaled him to stop. The police chasing the fleeing car, turned his sirens and lights off after realizing he couldn't "catch" up. Then the driver fled off in high speed running a red light which caused him to t bone my car on the passenger side. It caused my car to spin and hit a pole. I suffered both ankle fractures and multiple pelvic fractures. I had 3 surgeries on my left ankle and one surgery on the right ankle. No surgery was needed for the pelvis. I might need a fourth surgery on the left ankle depending on how the recovery goes. The driver that failed to stop suffered facial fractures. The passenger was ejected from the car causing vertebrae fractures and facial fractures. There was also a third car involved that was hit by the fleeing driver, the driver had minor injuries no broken bones, just scratches and bruises. My injuries have life long consequences, including arthritis and further surgery in the future. If the police was chasing a suspect, why would they turn off the lights and sirens. They are SUPPOSED to warn innocent drivers of the danger. Do i have a good lawsuit in my hands? I need answers, please !

If Obama's fleeing economic team has such good ideas, why do they flee to the safety of academia?

Roemer, Goolsby, both sign on with Team Obama and pimp Keynesian ideas, both fail, both flee back to the safe world of academia. If their ideas are so good as they express so much confidence in them, why don't they make a go of it in the private sector that they say benefits from their government spending orgies?

Why was the Texas immigration law passed so weak compared to Arizona and Alabama?

All it does is bans 'sanctuary cities' and force Secure Communities and E Verify in every town throughout the state. It doesnt' criminalize them. Will this bill be too weak to make the illegals flee the state, like they did in Arizona, Georgia, and Alabama?

Im 14 and i got a visible moustache help! PLEASE!?

basically i want to start shaving my moustache and goatee but im scared that when i shave my face will go green like you see some men having green where they shave and yes i have brown skin im mostly tanned beacause my legs and arm are brown but my chest thighs are white lol my face is kind of in the middle. if i use one of them machines instead of a razor would that help???

How to get rid of fleas on a dog?

To keep the fleas away, use frontline plus. My dog had fleas and when we used it they went away. Make sure to vacum your home regularly and you can ask your vet for more advice.

When will I grow back my goatee?

Depends on how fast you grow hair, it will vary. Sounds you like you have higher testosterone (more body hair etc) which means it wont take as long as you think it would, much likely less.

Can loving someone so much cause insanity?

If you love someone from a distance for an extended amount of time, and this person shows only a self centered interest in you for sexual gratification, but you've never had sex. is it insane to hold on to that person in your heart and spirit?

Can you extend your bangs to match the length of your hair with extensions?

I have always had bangs ever since I was a child, so I don't know what it's like to have my hair all one length. Usually I try to grow them out, but I get so annoyed by hair in my eyes that I always end up cutting them. Can anyone tell me if you can get hair extensions in your bangs only?

What will it take? Help me!!!?

I am 5'9" and I weigh 125. I NEED to get down to 110. How can I do this quickly?? I need to be there by august. :/ Please HELP ME!! If you're gonna judge me and tell me not to do this just to get points, I will report you. :) For people who answer this and help me do this so that it WORKS, I will extend the date of the question and give best answer to the person who helped me lose the most! Thanks ahead of time!

Urgent boy advice needed? Does our friendship seem to be over ? 10 pts?

Um well if the same was happening to me I would forget the friendship.. not a great mate if he was trying to make you jealous, and ignoring you. Or if you want to stay mates then sort it out, seems a bit childish to me :P

Random Hard Facial hairs?

I have a goatee and I ran my fingers through it this morning and I felt something hard. I looked in the mirror and found several (six to nine) dark red almost black facial hair interspersed through out the lower part of my goatee. They felt hard to the touch, almost like a fingernail. Because of the way they felt I decided to clip them with some fingernail clippers. When I did I felt some oil come out of them. It was sticky. Anyone have any idea what this might be?

Is the goatee and mustache style is Gay in the US?

The shaved head and goatee is the new mullett of the 21st century, not necessarily fancy, like your question suggests.

If I get a haircut (fauxhawk), should I also shave my beard?

why dont you just shave it and see how it looks after u get ur doo done and if u dont like it just grow it back

Why isn't Fox News reporting that Republicans are "forcing tax breaks for millionaires down our throat"?

They love the "down our throat" line, and there has never been an issue that the US population was as singularly opposed to as keeping the Bush tax cuts extended for top income brackets.

Why does my daughter only grab her father's lip and chin?

My daughter is 6 & 1/2 months old. And she will only grab her father's lip when he holds her. She will also only grab his chin and run her fingers through his goatee. She will not do this with anyone else. Apart from the doctors, he was the first person to hold her after she was born.

Lord of the Rings Blu ray?

Do you think its worth $70 dollars to buy the extended trilogy? If you already have the extended dvd editions?

What happens when my restraining order expires?

I have a restraining order on me to stay away from my wife and my home and have no contact with my kids. The order is good for 1 year. When it expires can i just go back to my home? Also, what does she need to do to extend it?

Can criminals flee abroad to escape justice?

Criminals typically flee to a jurisdiction that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the country where the crime was committed.

Help, I have black hair but there is ginger in my beard?

Yeah, it happens my brother is blonde but his beard is completely red. Also if you use any hair products that contain alcohol or peroxide (or um, bleach, or some acids) it will turn your hair orange, same goes for the skin products, they can get in your hair or beard when you sleep and dye it, (watch out for salicylic acid even) and put some ind of protector in it when you go in the sun- the sun also bleaches hair. However if none of this is relevant, it might just be natural (like it is for my brother!)

So, How about those Red Socks? By The All-Knowing Churchy People?

I was happy to see that God finally forgave them for trading the Babe, if it means anything to you.

Tennessee V. Garner Question should law enforcement not shoot a fleeing felon?

The case changed the use of deadly force criteria from " the fleeing felon" rule to the use of force being restricted to the protection of life. Should law officers not be allowed to shoot a felon running away from them??

What impact will this have on Turkey if any?

Don't believe troll airpole. Turkey helps all nations even greece. You know greece went to bankrupt so greeks try to come to Turkey for gaining money.

Does this shy girl like me? I will answer your questions?

wells he's pretty confusing. i'd say the best bet is to just tell her but then again that might make things even more awkward. she seems like a hard girl to get involved with lol

Only girls answer please, I will choose best answer?

Be real, be mature and be Genuine. Overall be yourself. Do not act liek someone you are not. If the girl if genuine she will be interested in you. Just be Genuine. dont fake anything, dont try to be anyone.

Math question need help fast. ?

The lengths of the sides of a triangle are in the extended ratio 3:10:12 the perimeter is 400cm. What is the length of the longest side in cm. 2) Irene places a mirror on the ground 24ft from the base of an oak tree. She walks backward until she can see the top of the tree in the middle of the mirror. At that point, irene's eyes are 5.5ft above the ground,and her feet are 4ft from the mirror. How tall is the oak tree? Explain.

Spiritually speaking, if your friend was clinging for life at the edge of a cliff? What would you do?

I) Compare metaphysical concepts that have it's roots in superstitious mumbojumbo to real world events in order to manipulate the truth in favor of a fairy tale

Facial hair question male?

We all mature differently, one day you might wake up, and have the beard of Jesus! But don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll be fine.....

I want to know the value of an 2004 chevrolet ls extended cab with a recon title, nam, and flood damage.?

The vehicle does run but has a title that states it was reconditioned salvage, has flood damage, and is not actual miles.

Are these good enviormental savvy ideas?

It recently dawned on me that we don't have foever to change the world and our ways. Water, electricity and oil are not limitless and i read a book called water wars which highlighted the starlting future thats coming closer to reality eevry day if we don't change our wasting habits. Some really good ideas i was able to conqure up for helping the enviorment off the top of my head are to only use 90% of lights in schools, u know those florescnet bulbs? There plenty bright and would work just as well with one off or one bulb unused and that light thats off could rotate to extend the bulbs lifespan. Also using auto sinks, paper towl dispensers and flushing toliets EVRYWHERE would REALLY help, in one or two places only helps so much but applying them everywhere would make a huge difference, also using low water flow faucets in homes and showers would help a TON!!!! I c water saving faucets in biusness buildings but NEVER in homes. Theres more hoems on earth than biusness buildings. Also a few more ideas are auto shut off lights in homes, etc... Also using a lot less highway lights would help because cars have lights and how much lights do we really need on highways? The last energy saving idea i had was to gradually reduce the sales of the old types of lightbulbs that arent the enerygy efficent ones, and to price the energy effeicent onces cheaper, if we did that i dare someone to try and tell me how its a bad idea. The energy efficent bulbs nowadaysa re as bright as the old oens and even dim. Thanks and plz no hurtful or comments that are derrogatory in nature.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do pedophiles keep approaching 12 year old females in the same vehicle in the same area day after day?

If a pedophile wants to get at a child then he will get at them. He doesn't care how he does it or what he does to get it.

Name of war drama (movie)?

I am looking for name of movie. It is war drama (I think) about british red coat soldier that gets lost or flees from some battle in desert (I think its in victorian era) and then he finds his friend that he was fighting with. He takes care of him because he is heavily hurt.

This IS a longshot but can any Newcastle people help me?

Have you tried Morrisons H.R. Department,in Bradford, he may still be employed by them, or they may know his last known address !

Is there anything grammatically wrong with those two sentences?(I’m not a native English speaker)?

cool! i'm not a native english speaker too but i think it was all fine. anyway, since it's a fiction, you're quite free to use your own words the way you want it to. i like the humor :)

Could I have hurt my health driving a car with no exhaust?

Your hearing MAYBE. But other than that no. If you think about it, race drivers, and their teams, spend hours nearly every day running, and driving cars with little to no exhaust system. What your tech was reffering to was you could have passed out from lack of o2 due to exhaust gasses acumilating in the cab. But you made it through no problem, there won't be any long lasting effects. What your feeling now is just anxiety.

Red Badge Of Courage- How Many Times Does Henry Flee Battle?

And, if it's twice, the first time is when the tattered man asks him where he got hit, the second time is when he's hit in the head with a gun?

Why does my battery keep draining?

I have a 1994 Chvy suburban with a 454 in it. I have replaced the battery but have to jump it in the morning everyday. It stays running and charged so i dont beleive it to be the alternator. It starts back up after it sits for awhile also. But when it sits overnight its dead. Also, sometime the starter squeels real loud when i try to start it. do you think the starter is going bad and its draing the battery at extended periods of time. Thanks for the advice

Equestrian Camp Idea's?

I don't have any ideas sorry but would just like to say that your idea for the camp are really great and I think the kids will love them! Good luck :)

There is something different about my husband...what could it be?

If you changed your hairstyle and put on some Channel #5 would he think there is something fishy about you? Maybe there is a possible promotion in the midst and he is tuning up to get it. Why would people stay together if all they are going to do is argue? Where is the "love"? Fight for what you want and what you believe in and show how much you are committed to this relationship. God bless you both...

Some photoshop thing....?

i'll give it a try: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ioma Court; an edit...see ya soon...c/c?

Me, P and many love you and your cause. But relax. Incidents take place in open systems. Thermodynamically, philosophically, sociologically... you will find flaws, imperfections, inclusions or entropy (useless energy) floating around. Of many kinds. As I said : This is an "open system", you do understand, I hope. ( I think Ioma Court and Ghostly Floss rhyme nicely. Two very good poems for both of us. Thank you!)

Help Theatre Extended Essay?

I chose to do my extended essay on Theatre but i still haven't decided on a topic that is specific enough. i was leaning towards a play by shakespeare called as you like it but i'm not really sure. If anyone has any good ideas please help me! :) The essay has to be around 4500 words ! Thanks!

Which civilization game would you recommend for a first time player?

I know that most would say the first but its such an old game, and im positive that some of the later games improved and became easier to understand when playing for the first time. Plus there are many version like gold version, extended version, etc. So which one and which version should i play? I have played many age of empire games and i was wondering if the gameplay is similar

Will the blu-ray version of Lord of the Rings contain new material not seen before?

Just wondering if there be some stuff that was never included in the older extended editions included on this, or if it just a transition of the extended version x

Why is being "clean Shaved" more professional then having a manly goatee?

It is considered professional to be well groomed and neat, which a straggly goatee would not be. If the goatee is well groomed and trimmed, that can be professional as well.

Why are majority of Black and Latino men sexy, unlike their white and Asian counterparts?

Don't get me wrong, but I see cute white guys, but they're just not my type, I like facial hair on my men, black and Latino men grow nice goatees and they are sexy with facial hair!!!!!

I fiddled with partitions and now i cant run my netbook.?

okay so im trying to install windows xp from a usb because i have a netbook. i also wanted to allocate some more space for the C: drive because it was using 40gb of space and my D: had 100gb. so i deleted both of the partitions i saw. now when i create both partitions i try to go to the install thing in the menu and it says do you want to format? i put yes then after the windows xp professional set up screen it basically says i dont have enough space. and then it says setup was unable to locate such a drive with the required amount of free space. and when i hit enter it reboots my pc. what am i doing wrong? how do i create the partitions to where i can have more in my C drive or atleast getting my computer back to running again? am i suppose to make a extended? i just want my c drive and d drives back. i also tried making the drive active. please help i just want my netbook to run again.

Can dogs contract pubic lice "Crabs" from a human or from laying on bedding that a person who has crabs used?

I have 2 dogs, the oldest (1y 6m) is half shih tzu half lhasa apso and the youngest (4m) is a mini pinscher. My roommate had company a few weeks ago stay here while the roommate was out of town, this person was only here about 3 days, but a week later when I went to change the roommates bedding I noticed there were pubic lice "Crabs" on the sheets.. I am worried now because my dogs may have entered the roommates room and they like to lay on the bed.. Can they catch and possibly spread this pubic lice to each other or possibly to myself or one of the two roommates? The dogs are given flee and tick medicine monthly that i put on them myself, it is the liquid kind that you place at their neck and down their backs a little ways.. I can not find any information on the package where it states it helps prevent anything other than flees or ticks. Any information would be greatly appreciated..

My 5yr old male staffi is restless?

my 5yr old male staffy seems restless of late not sure why? he is taken out on long walks everyday up my local golf course for an hour or more, he has been neutered,is wormed regulary+flee treatment, he is eating+drinking fine and sleeping as normal, any ideas ????

Abuse to immigrants in fast food places?

Anything could happen...there are a lot of ignorant, rude, and mean people out there...but I hope it won't happen again to anyone in your family. And I'm sorry it happened to your aunt. I'll bet the oaf that insulted her could only speak one language. I'm forever in awe of people like your aunt that can think and speak in more than one language.

What look works best for me? If any? Hoping to attract some women.?

The last picture is where you look best! And you look kinda cute on the first one , I don't know how to explain myself but It's the so ugly that you're adorable feeling on the first picture. And that wasn't supposed to sound mean lol. You've probly only been single cause you just haven't met the right one yet, I don't think your appearence has much to do with it cause I think you look good.

Are these signs that he's depressed?

I was dating this guy for a little while and we had to break it up for really unfair reasons (long story) but we definitely had a connection and lots of chemistry. Well, I haven't seen or heard from him in a couple of months and he was recently tagged in pics looking like he's gained weight and is now growing a goatee...just looking very different from before.

How do I stop Yahoo Answers from sending me emails?

I keep getting emails about extending my questions or people have choice the best answer to your question. How do I stop receiving these emails?

Will me losing weight increase my height and how tall will I be?

I'm 5'11, 15 years and 8 months old. I weigh 80kg at the moment but I'm planning to get in shape and lose weight. My mothers 5'4 and my fathers 5'9/5'10 and my grandparents shorter, also my father is the tallest adult out of my uncles, but I have a few cousins that are around 1 or 2 inches taller than 5'11. I wanted to know if me losing weight may somehow slowly increase my height. If it does, then how much more might I grow. I also wanted to ask approximately how much I might grow. I don't think I've finished growing because I haven't got like a beard yet, however I do trim my moustache and goatee but my voice isn't too deep either so maybe I've still got some growing to do. Can anyone help me out please? Thanks in advance.

Whats with this? ten points much??? (:?

It sounds to me like she is insecure with herself, that is why she says rude things to you. i have a friend just like this, she kinda bags on you in front of other people, it's just because she is jealous and she probably wishes she could be more like you. so when your in a crowd of people she'll say something to make you look dumb so she looks better. get it? the only thing you can really do is to talk to her calmly about whats been going on. let her know that you don't like the way she treats you in font of other people. real friends don't act like that. if that doesn't work. maybe you could just distance yourself . You don't always have to be joined at the hip with somebody. let your brother hang out with her, but spare yourself the drama and pain. no one needs to be bagged on by Someone who is supposedly a Friend.

Why can't I grow a full moustache/beard?

I wanna grow a certain type of goatee (two bits of hair on either side of my top lip with no hair in the middle and that kind of beard only thicker but for some reason I can only grow half a moustache nevermind a beard and no matter how long I wait before shaving it walys grows back to half. How can I get a full moustache and beard?

Is Lamisil cream okay for long term use?

I've been using Lamisil cream on and off again for quite some time to take care my fungal issues on my foot. It seems to flare up in the warmer weather so I start using the Lamisil again. Does anyone know if it's okay to use Lamisil for an extended period of time? - Thanks!

Christians, am I wrong for this? Am I doing right? 10 points?

People say when you date you should never bring up religion until you get to know the guy well. I don't believe in dating but if I'm going to have a partner that I find I'm interested in and if I want to see if he is good ofr me, I'd be sure to talk about God who is Jesus Christ. Checking if he has God in his life and testing him before anything. I'll enlighten him about the bible and ask him question, to see whether he ever picked up the bible. If he answer soem question I'd throw him another question. I believe question is power and he just say thing because other has said it then there a fake trying to get in my pants... If he flees, then eh was no good, correct? or not looking for commitment like he said?..

Are Goatee's becoming more acceptable ?

Just noticed more bloke's around with goatee's and some look really good, and tend to have decent girlfriend's as well..

Guys does facial hair get you laid?

I always get way more attention from girls (and guys) when I have a noticeable guy; I bet there's other guys who grow a goatee just for the sake of looking more masculine and getting attention ;

My co-workers don't like me, but nothing happened to cause this?

I think it's obvious that the break up was the reason. Next time you probably shouldn't date within the office.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Which of My Stories is Better?

Brother of Fire is much better. Its more adventurous , it's little bit organized compared to the untitled. Moreover intro is not boring:)

Can i pull off a goatee? (ladies 20/up)?

Ok you've got to be kidding me you're not 26! you look like you're 40 no joke... sorry and get the damn thing who cares what people think

LGBT: How do you flirt? (tougher than it sounds)?

When I was in my junior year in high school, I had no idea how to flirt. I've never had anyone to do it with before. Then, I was flirting with my boyfriend senior year, but that was mostly because of an extended metaphor about Adam and Steve. Other than that, I have little to no experience flirting. I tried to think of what I was doing while I was with that guy, but I can't put my finger on what separated that from when I normally talk to people, except that I knew it was flirting.

Abortion article - do you read this like I do?

It sounds like a mess that doesn't even make sense and has no hope of ever making any sense. It seems like the laws would apply according to the state the building was in, not the state that put it there. I guess Nebraska is wanting to put the clinic in the other state with their own funds because the laws would be more lenient and in their favor.

Fleeing or eluding without lights siren?

So i asked a previous question about getting a fine to eluding a police officer. At first it was a misdemeanor, Now i got a letter in the mail saying it has been bumped up to a criminal charge and my court date has been changed with a different judge. Also the letter stated my charges and it says fleeing or eluding without lights siren. What does that mean? What should i do, get a lawyer now.

I've just started washing my face every day....why does my skin burn?

There are a few different dove soaps that are unscented if you are not already then trying using the one for sensitive skin! Or it may be your shaving cream or lack there of I have a shaving cream recommendation although many guys refuse to use it bc of the type of shaving cream it is and it's name and packaging it works wounders my friends ex-husband used it all the time it is called coochy it is sold by a company called pure romance you can get it off of there site at or even off of it works great! Also try putting on a scentless/sensitive skin lotion in a small portion on your face! I hope I helped and good luck!

Syrian forces attack northern town, residents flee - isn't it against shaiah for one moslem to do bad?

From everything I've been seeing in the last several year, that religion has been hugely perverted. What religion would actually tell you to go around killing people that disagree with you if you can't make them change their minds? A wacko one.

Where should I go in Nashville?

I am planning an extended trip to Nashville for the first weekend in September. I would like some ideas for things to do and places to go. It will be for me and hubbys anniversary. I am trying to google right now, but some additional opinions never hurt.

Nobody supports my decision?

your 18 you do not need your mom permission n it would be a honor to have you serve are country i do for 16 years follow your dreams there is a lot you can learn

Should I shave my goatee? Hairstyle?

Im a 19 year old boy in college and my goatee is starting to grow in and I was wondering if I should keep it going or shave it. I kinda have a baby face because everytime I tell someone my age they dont believe that I look so young. Also I was wondering if I should grow out my hair a little bit, not to the shoulders or anything but just a little longer than usual, or should I get it cut?

A question concerning North African refugees?

This question is for those that have been following the story of the North African refugees that have been fleeing to Italy and France. I have a simple question - I'm sure most of you have noticed from the stories, headlines, news channels, etc. The question is: Why are most, if not all of them male? Where are all the women and children? Or elderly for that matter?

How can i get high speed internet in my area?

i live about 2 miles from my friend. He has cable/high speed internet and i am stuck with satellite (getting about 600kbs). The internet company stopped running the lines between my house and his. What can i do to make them extend their lines, or are there any alternatives to my internet problems because i feel im missing out on alot with 600 kbs..

If I am expected to believe Jesus performed miracles, why can't I believe that the Buddha did as well?

Whatever floats your boat, hon. Long as you don't ask me to believe it too, it's all the same to me.

Please give some feedback on this poem or ways to improve it?

Sounds pretty good. Don't be afraid to shroud your sentences in metaphors, and give the reader a little some thing more to decipher. Other than, add a title and you're good :D

Will this product keep flees off of gerbils?

What will help is to put them in a CLEAN box and dust them with Flee powder, Then as the powder is working to kill off the fleas , If you can not get a whole new Cage / Tank,,Take the cage and empty EVERYTHING, If it comes apart Take it apart Throw all wood blocks etc into the trash >>but use a neighbors trashcan down the street,Them wash the cage in a Flea shampoo, Mix it very strong for cleaning the cage etc, but DO NOT DIP Gerbils, Then find a strong Hook, ..Chain ...rope and Hang the cage from the beams so that the fleas can't get rite back into the cage . While the animals are all out of the garage, Set Off a Flea Bomb that kills fleas and their eggs, Then after you have done all this, KEEP THE CAGE CLEAN!!! Those poor lil gerbils, they are so small that having flea would be like you living with blood sucking cockroaches under your clothing 24-7 >365

How can I get my husband to value my opinions?

He needs to understand that renting is NOT throwing money away. It's an investment. You need to be 100% sure that if you are going through the trouble to build a home, you have to be certain that it is where you want to be. Please, try to get him to slow down on this. You may find you really like it there, he may realize it wasn't all he thought it would be. Good luck.

Would you find this reasonable?

So on saturday, I'm going to a small town in Florida between Seaside and Destin for a week. My extended family is going to be there, as it is normally a family vacation. This year, however, I am bringing a friend with me. I was thinking about asking my parents to drop us off at Seaside one or two days because Seaside is a little more lively than the small town our condo is in. I'm hesitant to ask for two reasons: 1) it is a family vacation and I don't think they want us to split up and 2) my parent never want to worry about ANYTHING on this vacation and only want to sit opn the beach all day. I think they might slam my idea down, and possibly be offended. Would you find this proposition reasonable. We are both 13, have cell phones, and are VERY responsible. K Thanks!

What are the blackhawks up to?

ok. I'm a huge hawks fan, but I just don't get it. bowman managed to move Campbell and his big *** contract, kopecky, and brouwer. that's an estimate of around 10 million dollars, I assume. so, is this all to extend sharp? or are they gonna go after free agents as well? if so who? I was thinking a youngER defenseman with grit. like wisnewski. I just don't see how they don't sign a defenseman after losing Campbell. is it probable that they would go after belanger or Dubinski too? I would think that the rangers would need to clear some cap room if theyre indeed going after Richards. just wanna hear your thoughts guys

If you stole a bunch of money and had to flee which country would you choose?

I would choose Mexico, you know, somewhere where the police are really corrupt and ride in the back of trucks. Also, probably Nepal.

I have an issue with dandruff and oily skin?

There are TONS of shampoos for dandruff so i would buy some of that and for your skin try mashing up avocados and putting that on your skin it can help with the oiliness

Does the Statute of Limitation apply if you're out of jurisdiction?

Let's say an individual commits a crime in the U.S. and the statute of limitations is three years. If that individual flees to neighboring Canada before charges are pressed will the statute still apply or will he have to return to the U.S. before it starts to count down.

How can I be credited by my landlord for money I spent trying to obtain a certificate of occupancy?

i'm renting out the first floor of a building as a restaurant in NYC, the building's C of O is not for a restaurant when it was converted 5 yrs ago by previous tenant. I'm aware of the fact that there is no CO and signed a lease that I would have to obtain the C of O no matter the cost. It's been more than a year and a lot of concerns from the NYC building dept has extended the expected time of completion, but it's almost there and I do expect to complete. Money was spent for renovations and architect fees to ensure the approval from the DOB, inspections have been passed but there are more to go. I was too naive to think that it was alright to rent a place with no C of O. If proper authorities find out that the restaurant does not have a CO, that it is being worked on, but the DOB evicts me anyway, will I be able to sue my landlord for expenses paid for renovations and professional fees invested into the building? How are my chances at actually winning the case?

Lotr extended edition digital copies?

I bought the lord of the rings extended editions on blu ray and it says it's supposed to have digital copies of them but I can't find them. Does anyone else have this problem or know where they are?

Crimes in other countries?

say you commit a crime in a foregin country, start with Assult, rape, robbery, murder, ect. and you get back to the us before your arrested or anything, what happens if you are then a suspect, do you go to jail in the us, does the us or foregin countries embassy (empoloyees?) embassadors come get you and take you to the country where the crime was commited, and visa versa if you do a crime here a flee the country what all can go down?

According to Alexander Hamilton, what was the proper role of the new government?

promote economic enterprise, redistribute personal wealth, provide for the public welfare, or extend democratic privileges.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Question for the ladies..?

so ladies i was just wondering what you think looks better on a college man a goatee or clean shaven or whatever else you may like

Question for people who have read the Game of Thrones books (spoilers)?

Ahhhh I'm only on book 3 but my curiousity got the best of me and I couldn't help reading the answers people gave to your question. I was wondering that too and the Hound is one of my favorite characters :)

Why am I so tired after a minor operation?

I had a tummy tuck with double hernia and muscle repair 11 months ago. I unfortunately had a bad bleed which resulted in me being rushed back to theatre for an emergency operation to fix it. As my surgeon had to go in quickly it left me with lumps on both ends of my scar. It took me 5 months to feel normal again, even the slightest thing made me tired for ages. I went back to my surgeon 4 days ago and under local he corrected the lumps and the incision was extended by about 2 inches either side.. As the local wore off the incisions became quite painful and I've become totally exhausted ever since. I feel tired all day and although I'm in pain from the surgery its obviously nowhere near as bad as last time and I didn't even have a general. Is it normal to feel this tired after something quite minor?

Are you allowed the use of push carts in college golf?

I have a serious problem with my ankles where they begin to feel like they are broken after walking on them for an extended period of time. However, with the use of a push cart in a tounrnament they do not hurt as much. By the way i am a junior golfer age 15 and am curious about the rules on this and please no a holes.

Nikon coolpix l6 lens error?

I am trying to fix an old nikon camera with a lens error. The lens sticks out half way when off. When I turn it on it extends all the way, but does not retract. I have tried banging it, new batteries, heat, turning it, blowing air into it - nothing worked. any suggestions?

Why does staff defection=failure for Gingrich, but not for Obama's economic policies?

Gingrich's staff flees the nest, the left correctly identifies it as failure for Gingrich. But after yet another round of Obama's economic staff hitting the road, including senior and junior staff, the left says nothing to see here. That makes no sense to me, how about you?

On probation for theft, is it likely that they will test me for methadone.?

I live in Indianapolis Indiana and go to the Marion County building. I have not ever been in trouble for drugs. I realize methadone is part of an extended test and will not cause a false positive for opiates. I really just want to know if they are likely to test me for methadone. This will also be my first test because my probation started 3 weeks ago. Thanks very much and hope to have any input.

White flaking around my mouth? Looks like a goatee?

sounds to me like you have some dry skin problems, try using to lotion or Vaseline, STAY HYDRATED! it will most definitely help

Job Making me change facial hair after they hired me?

Ok, I just started a job at papa john's and after they hired me with my hair the way it is the second day my manager told me I can't have a chinstrap style only mustaches and goatees, so nothing on the jaw line. Can they tell me that? how does that make a difference? It doesn't seem right that they could tell me the style, I thought only length, or no facial hair at all.

A baby kitten HELP .?

Buy a flea medicine from someplace like Walmart. They usually sell three little tubes in a box for around $10. Use it monthly or however often it says on the box. Make sure you litter train it and play with it. Kittens aren't horribly dependent, usually if you have other cats they get along well together. Pounds are awful places, if you have the means to take care of this poor kitten you should keep it!

My 3 year old dog wont stop itching her head, ears and eyes, been 2 weeks now, helpp?!?

I have a 3 year old labrador, she has started itching her ears first, shaking her head fastly, so i applied flee powder, then she started itching her eyes, hair has come off around her eyes and they are red and swolen, she keeps scratching her neck and rubbing her head on the carpet, we have found a tiny bump on her neck that looks grey/black but cant tell if its on her skin or attatched to her hair. We have tried ear drops, one big dose of flee spot on, gave her a bath,hayfever tablets anybody know what it may be? please help!! x

How can i turn my gray beard/goatee brown without dying my face.?

I have very dark hair on my head, BUT my goatee beard which i love has gone a hideous gray Colour and im only 35, Is there anything on the Market in the UK for changing it back to darker colour that is designed specifically for beards.

Abercrombie and Fitch interview question?

Hey Im an 18 y/o male and Abercrombie offered me an interview the other day when I went in to be a store model..I have a goatee and earrings, should I take them out for the interview? I was planning on wearing an A&F blue and white collared shirt, some A&F or Hollister jeans and someone told me to wear flipflops. I live in bay area california. Any advice on appearance and questions theyll ask me?

I want to help the poeple in syria. what can I do?

I am deeply upset with what is going on in Syria and I want to help the fleeing people. I need sugestions to help them, so please feel free to give me any ideas :))

If Georgia failed to keep inmates doing the jobs illegals left behind, would Arizona also fail?

I asked a similar question and was given the impression that americans/legal immigrants who really need work will do the job. If inmates can't handle the job, they certainly can't.

Why do girls like feminine guys?

I'm 15, and at my junior high school there is this Guy named Jonathan who is feminine and all of my friends and every Guy know he is gay. He gets all of the attention from the girls and they love him. And every girl at my school like feminine and metrosexual guys. Why don't girls like guys that are masculine. I am hairy and can grow a goatee, but I am clean cut, I also act like a Guy. Why don't girls like masculine men anymore?

I am looking into a visit to Japan after crossing the Trans-Siberian Railway. I was hoping to stay approx. two?

months in Japan in order to successfully employ my language skills and to enjoy the new environment. However, I have heard that one month is probably a more reasonable period of time to spend. I am not very interested in staying with a hosting family considering my independent nature. However, I am curious, how many U.S. dollars should I save up before planning such a trip? Are there houses for rent to foreigners on an extended stay? How does one go about getting a visa and where is a good place to stay? I would prefer a place out in the country, but I know that travel to the bigger cities will then be quite expensive. Thanks a bunch. :)

Do I look better with or without a beard?

Personally, I think you look better without the beard. The beards don't look "bad" but without is better.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can the Dear Leader Obama make up his mind.?

It was just a month or so ago,that the dear leader obama said in a speech...drilling for American oil,and increasing the supply will not reduce the price of oil,or gas.....then he orders 30 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserve to be released in order to increase the supply,thus reducing the price of oil,and gas....please dear leader open a lemonade stand.and get some basic high school economic studies on how a real world economy works,and fire ur liberal economic adviser,just like F.D.R. did after all his liberal economic policies failed,and the U.S. was forced into World War two he brought in men of industry,capitalist to manage the U.S. war economy,and we won,and the U.S. ushered in prosperity never before seen,and then we got jimmy carter,and liberalism has been infecting the U.S. economy since then,and we`ve had 1 recession after another since then,but none has lasted more then 2 yrs,until liberalism took over in 2008,and again the U.S. is stuck in the sand pit of liberalism,liberalism failed F.D.R.,and dragged the U.S economy into the mud for almost 10yrs,liberalism is failing obama today,and we will continue to suffer for a total of 8yrs,if he is reelected,do research America the great depression was extended beyond norms,because of liberal economic policies,i.e. government spending.

How long will it take for me to grow a goatee using rogain?

If you are not mature enough to grow a beard on your own, Rogain won't work for you. Rogain would make you grow hair on your palms from applying it before you grow hair on your chin if there isn't any whiskers there to start with.

Would you be in favor of open borders once all social programs are abolished?

The cost to taxpayer of immigrants using social programs is not really the problem, It is that they provide an additional supply of labor and that reduces the wages of US workers that underlies the controversy about immigration. US workers have higher wages than workers in poor countries because our ancestors created infrastructure and plant and equipment that has made US workers more productive, Most people think this is our inheritance and we should not have to share it.

Perth to have a new stadium by 2018?

They've needed a bigger stadium for years, this new stadium will give more west aussies the chance to go to the footy, 70,000 would be about the right size i would think, 60,000 is a bit on the light side, imagine if both WA sides have a purple patch and play finals for a few years, the home and away matches, plus finals games would need at least 70,000 to accommodate the crowds.

How do i get him to stop talking to me!?

alright so my parents are originally from mexico and every year we go for a visit for about a month, and there are teenager guys to whom i dont talk to but i can tell they want to talk to me because they tell my brother and just show signs of interest ive never really paid attention untill this year, that some guy finally talked to my uncle about me, and yes ive been teased from my family some what but i havent even talked to the guy in person just from chatting on facebook since i came back. and he seemed like a nice guy at first hard worker etc, but recently hes shown signs of being disrespectful like he cusses in messages, on his status he says the beyond stupidest things and recently he got my uncles into some kind of argument and i just want out I dont want anything to do with him especially since my family doesnt like him even my extended family ( yeah big deal) I guess you could say we had something sparking between us but then we just turned off, once he turned up at my aunts with hickies all over his neck and hes told my uncle he has bitches ( sorry for the language) all over ( meaning girls) which isnt my thing it just isnt the way it works with me. hes sent me messages but of course i ignore them and hes asked me if i dont wanna talk to him no more but im scared of responding no becuase he could start rumors and talk crap about me back in mexico so what do i do keep ignoring him or just tell him the straight off truth? any advice i also dont want to hurt any feelings?

Do women like baby-faced men?

People (well yea mostly girls...and they are usually older) tell me I have a sort of baby face. I realize I don't look my age. I'm 18 and I look like 16 or maybe even 15 so I look really young for my age (I kinda see this in a negative light..) I'm east asian too. Is it true most women only care about guys who look like hot models or the MTV star-type of guy? When I say women I mean (18-30) not the girls around my age. Whats the comparison of cute guy and hot guy? Most of my male friends (white european descent) they look their age, some even much older. Like they have already older facial feautures, beards, goatees, etc. What do women think of baby-faced or younger-than-age looking asian dudes?

Will I be considered a "Canadian"?

You are as Canadian as you want to be. Nevermind other immigrants. If you love Canada and embrace it as your adopted country, then other Canadians will warmly accept you as a fellow Canadian.

I found an orphan newborn kitten in my porch ?

First get rid of the fleas by mixing dawn dish washing soap and water (half and half) and making sure it is warm and not hot. Soak a cloth in the solution and sponge bathe the kitten until her coat is wet and the fleas should die or leave her at the very least. Be sure to wrap her in a warm towel and keep her away from drafts until she is dried off. I assume when you got the formula you bought a bottle for feeding. Make sure the formula is warm also and not hot. She will have a hard time suckling at first. Remember kittens do not eat laying upside down. They are generally on their bellies and kneeding with their little paws. Try to imitate that environment as much as possible. Lay her on a towel on your lap and offer her the bottle from a position higher than her head to encourage her to suckle and kneed on the towel at the same time. The more you can imitate her mammas behavior the more she will thrive. This is the most important point and I hope the Vet told you. She must eat every two hours in order to survive. Even if she only gets a few drops. so if you cannot feed her make sure someone else does it for you and please don't get the formula too hot and do not serve cold. Don't be surprised if she doesn't survive in spite of all your good intentions. Sometimes momma cats will leave kittens behind that they instinctively know are not perfectly formed or are too weak to survive.

M-WWE Monday night RAW.69th RAW.Is it good?

Great edition. 9.6/10. Promo 2 was the best of the night. Match 3 was epic and it'll be even more epic the following week. Match Of the night goes to the Main Event. Candice Michelle on the card:Nice!

Extended project on Computer science topic?

i'm currently at college in AS (well finished AS exams and studying A2 atm) and im looking into doing an extended project. i would like to take on computer science or software engineering at uni and would like my project to be based around those subjects. current ideas are on ciphers, object-oriented programming etc but i need it to be a A level question title. any ideas would be greatly appreciated :)

Guys does facial hair get you noticed?

I always get so much more attention from girls (and guys) when I have a noticeable goatee; I bet there's a lot of guys who keep a goatee or beard just for the purpose of sexual attention;

Audi A4 car service.?

See if they can do a complete timing belt service for $700.00. You will be due in about 10-15K, so why not do it now? A complete timing belt service includes (water pump, belt, tensioner, rollers, thermostat, coolant, and serpetine belt).

Can I have a tree on my property cut.?

If the tree is on your property and you have the necessary permits, there is nothing your neighbor can say or do about it, except to be a nastier neighbor.

What happens when my restraining order expires?

I have a restraining order on me to stay away from my wife and my home and have no contact with my kids. The order is good for 1 year. When it expires can i just go back to my home? Also, what does she need to do to extend it? I live in Massachusetts.

I am 23 years old and have had a goatee since 16 but my company makes us shave. Is there a way to hide it? ?

I tried to hide my beard by saying that I had suddenly discovered I was a cross-dressing Muslim, and thus needed to wear a veil to work, but my boss didn't buy it.

What should i do with my girlfriend?

I've been dating my girlfriend for about 2 years on and off. I've broken up with her 7 times because she drives me nuts. She is Palestinian(not muslim thought, Christian), but her family is very strict on who she marries. She is the youngest of 6 children and their all girls. She has never introduced me to her parents in 2 years, i have to change my only day off from work which is Saturday to Thursday because she tells her parents she has school, but instead she really meets up with me all day. And i work 12 hour days and get home at midnite every day and thats my only day off and God forbid i tell her i cant hangout that day because i have stuff to take care of, she gets all mad at me and makes me feel bad. She has met my family but im still a secret to her and it bothers me because i dont feel appreciated, and we've talked about marriage but now once again i feel as if i dont wanna be with her because she's just selfish and materialistic. She always tries telling me what to do, she got mad because i wouldnt grow a goatee after i told her i dont like them. She told me before that in her heritage the guy pays for the wedding and the house when they get married, im 100% Sicilian and the father of the bride always pays for the wedding, but she told me that not how my family does it. CONCLUSION-I feel so much pressure and stress from her all the time because its almost like if i dont do what she wants i feel bad because im trying to be nice, but its to the point where i cant take it anymore, am i wrong for feeling this way or should i act on how i feel??? Please help

Why are so many guys becoming girls?

I don't understand it. I love my dick, I love flopping it around and using it to shoot goo; I like my goatee and the hair on my legs. What exactly is so neat about being a woman

Can my employer make me shave?

My employer has a policy that requires men to be clean shaven. The problem is its not across the board. It only applies to people hired after March 2009. Apparently the new owner that took over at that time does not like facial hair, but because some employees that were there prior to his purchasing of the place had facial hair they were exempt. I feel that I am being discriminated against because I was not working there prior to March 2009, started Nov. 2010. When I began working there I had a goatee and it wasn't until 4 mths after my employment began that I was told to shave. It was never mentioned to me during my interview or orientation. I know its not that big of a deal, but I feel they are being petty and childish.

Why don't the Yankees let their players wear their hair long, wear a beard and mustache, goatee?

This is not the military. The Cubs players look sexy and good with their facial hair. Tim in San Francisco is a Stud and so is Wilson. Let the hair grow out. It saves time in the morning. Then again the Yankees always want to different.

Question about shaving?

Have been shaving on and off for over a year now and I was told that whenever you shave it grows back thicker but every time I've shaved it's grown back the same length. I want a devil Goatee (hair on either side of my upper lip but no hair in the middle and a little triangular beard on my lower lip) but I want it to be thick not a half goatee. How can I get my facial hair to grow back thicker? Also, whenever I shave it always leaves a few handfuls of hair

So do chicks love it when you piss them off?

I've decided to try the douchebag thing and just be a dick to the chick that I liked and now were dating and I do whatever I want and it's totally working, I piss her off all the time and do the exact opposite of what she says for me to do, then I convince her it's her fault. Like she hates facial hair, so I grew a goatee, she hates that I hang out with a friend of mine that's a chick, I went there last weekend and told my girlfriend how much hotter my friend has gotten. I'm just being a total dick and shes loving it and honestly, so am I... That "Prince Charming" crap doesn't work.

Muslims, can you please explain what you believe the punishment for apostasy is?

I love how ignorant people try to put verses but dont read whats around that verse to see why it was put there. stop copy and pasting and actually take the time to read the whole thing.

Do doctors take practice in testosterone injections?

I'm 19, and i'm pretty underdeveloped compared to my friends. I'm 6'2 have hair under my armpits, pubic hair, but it seems like I skipped some parts of puberty. Like my voice sometimes breaks, and I could probably pass as a prepubescent 14 year old, voice-wise... I also still look pretty young despite being really tall. Also, I can't grow a beard for the life of me, I haven't shaved a day in my life. I have a somewhat goatee, it's not a full fledged goatee, but it's not peach fuzz... would injecting me with more testosterone force me to undergo these changes?

Can i play WoW Private servers and not get caught?

If you're talking about hacking, then well some people I know have hacked my accounts on stuff and they never got caught but I figured out a way to get them back. But anyways, you probably can play without getting caught. I don't see a way to get caught unless someone calls the police.

What is the pain under my left shoulder blade caused by?

I have a very sharp pain under my left shoulder blade when I deeply inhale, and extend my left arm. What is the diagnosis for this? Please answer.

Herpes, Pimple or Ingrown Hair?

I have a couple of bumps near my mouth, located in the part that has facial hair (the connection of the moustache and goatee). They do not hurt. They occasionally itch a little, but I figured that would be because of the hair. They do not tingle; I know that they are there. I received unprotected oral sex two weeks ago, but I did kiss the girl before she performed on me. Any thoughts?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strange Behavior From Our 3 Year Old German Shepherd?

It doesn't sound like anything is physically wrong, but that does sound very weird so I would just suggest playing it safe and taking her to the vet. If they don't know what's going on, do some research about doggy behavior because it could very well be psychological. I hope I was able to help and I hope your doggy is alright!!

Will shaving every morning make my goatee and underlip hair grow faster and thicker?

will shaving every morning make my goatee and underlip hair grow faster and thicker? i can feel the hair on both spots but hardly notice it when looking in mirror i can only notice it when im in the hair and look in the window while there is sun shining i have light coloured hair will shaving make it look thicker and noticablle. and will i be able to grow gotea specks in 1 month?

Why is my dog acting like this?!?

we put some flee medicine on him yesterday and now he is freaking out and wont move. i cant get him to eat, play, or drink. he only wants to sit there. usually, he is very jumpy and playful. when we manage to get him outside, he does not come in. even to his favorite type of food! im really worried and i hate seeing him like this. help?

How do I make this paragraph flow better?

Jack and his mother, Rosemary, have a very strong relationship. Jack’s birth name was originally Toby since he was starting a new life, in a new state he wanted a transformation; changing his name to Jack. At first his mother didn’t like the idea but soon gave in “She finally agreed” (Wolff 8). Early in the book they show a father figure, Roy. He is Rosemary’s abusive boyfriend who followed them from Florida all the way to Utah. Roy does not like Jack, but befriends him to get closer to Rosemary. He did this when he gave Jack his rifle and used it to spy and follow her home from work. The depiction of Roy seems as if he sees them as a game like hide and seek. This all ends when Rosemary and Jack decide to flee again to Seattle, Washington. From this point on Roy does not appear to look for them throughout the entire book.

I'm 25 and my hair is thinning noticeably.What can I do to make myself more attractive to women around my age?

My hair styles used to be one of the main ways I attracted the opposite sex. Would growing a goatee help? Building muscle maybe?

Christians, am I wrong for this? Am I doing right?

People say when you date you should never bring up religion until the third time you see the guy. I don't believe in dating but if I'm going to have a partner and I'm interested and want to see if he is good, I'd be sure to talk about God who is Jesus Christ. I'd be sure he has God in life and test him before anything. I'll enlighten him about the bible and ask him question, to see whether he ever picked up the bible. If he only repeats onyl what ppl have said then there a fake trying to gety on my pants... If he flees, then eh was no good, correct? or not looking for commitment like he said?..

Why is number 8 Kobe, so much cooler than number 24 Kobe?

ya but #8 Kobe couldn't win without Shaq. The "swagger" you are talking about doesn't win titles. Its the intensity and business-like attitude like the Black Mamba #24 has now. And 24 is older and smarter. He cant jump outta the gym like he did when he was younger, and now he takes what the defense gives him and he improved defensively.

How many illegals are going to be fleeing from Obama once the new Alabama law goes into effect?

After Ga. passed their bill on immigrants there was such an exodus now we have prisoners/probationers in the fields picking produce

Do girls like pencil beards?

I've always thought they were quite gimmicky and I don't get what the point of a beard is when it's so minuscule. I myself like to stay clean shaven with a goatee. What kind of facial hairs do girls prefer?

Are these signs that he's been depressed?

I was dating this guy for a little while and we had to break it up for really unfair reasons (long story) but we definitely had a connection and lots of chemistry. Well, I haven't seen or heard from him in a couple of months and he was recently tagged in pics looking like he's gained weight and is now growing a goatee...just looking very different from before.

What do you think of a man with a goatee?

People should not be judged by their physical appearance. This is why i prefer to blend in so that people judge me on my personality alone. i know that people like to be expressive but i personally believe that this just separates them. i find people with facial hair specifically goatees to be more expressive, open and sometimes obnoxious. If you are thinking of growing one i would suggest you get people who know you to judge if it would suit you. Or you could just not grow one lol

Streching of the lobes! Opinions!?

I don't think that's too big. It's about personal choice--what you want. The ears belong to you, right? So what if you keep wanting bigger ones? That's your choice. Go for it.

What art form do think is annoying?

Some people like it. I like it. I find pop music to be annoying, but I accept that some people like it.

Can macaws get flees?

How can you know where a Scarlet Macaw has like flees like little animals in there feathers? Something called gorup or something Like that!

I live in Michigan, and want my mom to have full custody of me? Also I'm 16?

Tell them what you feel (court) you might wanna look into this more possibly get a lawyer but don't let your dad know just in case he might blow his top. I hope you get through this and nothing serious happens

Is Islam a religion of peace?

If Hitler can be called a peace maker, yes, you can call Islam a peaceful religion; the best example is Pakistan.

Long haired comedian on Comedy Central Presents?

I saw a guy on Comedy Central Presents like two weeks ago. He had long hair and was kind of a hippie/rocker guy, he had a goatee kind of beard. He told a joke about how you could get him and his friends into gas chambers like the Holocaust with the promise of an AC/DC concert and how they would just get high off of the gas. He also said the people he trusts most wear Iron Maiden shirts. Its a long shot but does anyone know who it is?

God hates! God does not hate?

The point is that God is just, which means he loves and shows mercy on those who love him; his wrath and hate will be poured out on those who hate him.

Girls do you think a goatee is sexy?

iv'e grown one and i think it looks good its not bushy its trim and has thin hairs and what not so its not over the top like that one dude who ice skates in the olympics if you even know who im talking about anyway what do you think?

Which subwoofers would go best with my truck?

I have a 2001 chevy silverado extended cab, and im looking to get 2 ten inch subs. I have polk audio door speakers. Im trying to decide between JL audio, Memphis subs, and rockford fosgate. Along with an amplifier.

My dog is losing his furr?

Could be a lot of things. It could be allergies, hot spots, mange, or your dog may have a neurological disorder. Sorry, the dog needs to see a vet.

How do I stop getting e-mails from Yahoo?

I keep getting e-mails from Yahoo asking me if want to extend my answers. How can I ensure that I only et e-mails from them when someone has answered a question of mine?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are these signs that he's been depressed/sad?

I was dating this guy for a little while and we had to break it up for really unfair reasons (long story) but we definitely had a connection and lots of chemistry. Well, I haven't seen or heard from him in a couple of months and he was recently tagged in pics looking like he's gained weight and is now growing a goatee...just looking very different from before.

I need help protecting my siblings, what do I do?

As long as your parents are still legally married, each parent has the right to take the children anywhere he or she pleases. It is only after divorce and with a court order determining the parental custody rights and prohibitions can a parent be restrained from taking the children out of the jurisdiction of the court. One thing to keep in mind is that if the children are all American citizens the country of Mexico requires the parent attempting to enter Mexico with children to have the legal authority to take the children into Mexico, either by court order or a certified letter from the absent parent that the trip is approved. So, it's not so easy to flee to Mexico with American children. Still, your mother needs to file for temporary custody as soon as she is released and she must ask for a travel restriction to be placed on movement of the children. If you know where the passports for the children are, then maybe you should hide them very well.

Your opinions on a 1984 honda 200x??

is it a good bike like i know they are tough but how good are they performance wise in your guys eyes? I want to know because i got one and i want to supe it up but idk if i should leave it stock i am a intermediate rider and also can someone tell me where to get a extended swingarm for it? And some good deals on rims and tires!

I could have swarn I saw Satan, did he look like this to you if you also saw him?

From his waist down he is a hairy animal like goat. Walks with cloven hoofs. From the waist up he has a muscular body sort of sun tan brownish red. He has female breasts. On his face he has a goatee and a smile like a card shark winner. He's bald, has medium horns, his eye brows are like that of a volcan. He appears and examines everything he picks up.

I have an issue with a cake php program. Could someone help me please?

Well, you're not really explaining the problem or what exactly you're doing well at all, so far, I see no reason why anything should appear, because you've never echoed anything out, so I really can't help you there.

Will my knees survive?

0ver this summer ive gone lazy due to high work load and vast quantities of food. my upper body hasent gone through much weakness. i still have energy when needed..but my knees..oh lordy. more specifically my left knee. behind the kneecap it hurts to extend i push my kneecap down alittle i hear the popping and pain. my other knees fine. i wanna do some serious running and squats so i dont c completely let go.. but would that help cure the pain and weakness of my knee. it feels like its ready to just snap if i didnt have two legs.. can intense excercise cure it? i know obviously if i lost a few pounds its less stress on my knees..but it will still be weak wouldint it. what are my options

Is severe depression and demonetization in times of extended solitude a normal human response?

As an introvert myself, I know exactly how you feel... I have to be working toward something, or earning something and if I'm not I don't feel like doing anything at all because it's simply not worth it. I like to play guitar or make music or if it gets really bad just sleep in til 1 and answer questions on Yahoo! Answers or stupid **** like that all day. It will eventually pass, just find something to occupy yourself with in the meantime.

Poll for girls: Do you like guys with goatees.?

I'm a dude however the girls don't seem to mind, despite my mom's advice to shave it, lol. To be honest I don't like it and I wish I couldn't grow it but that's the only kind of hair that comes out!

Where does feet starts and ends?

Lol. That is quite an awkward question, but I still don't know how to ask it in a different way. What I'm saying is I still get confuse which is feet and legs? is leg extends above knee?? and feet is below knee??

How to convert C# major scale to a minor scale?

Please try to give it to me step by step. I don't really know any musical terms, and it is not my fault, my orchestra teacher expects me to know it all when he explains it only once , and I all I want is a plain, clear, worksheet, but he...oh me makes me so mad! Him and stupid little goatee!!! XD yeah. I hate 2nd period. But yeah, how do you convert C# major scale to a minor scale?

Are women attracted to baby-faced men?

People (well yea mostly girls...and they are usually older) tell me I have a sort of baby face. I realize I don't look my age. I'm 18 and I look like 16 or maybe even 15 so I look really young for my age (I kinda see this in a negative light..) I'm east asian too. Is it true most women only care about guys who look like hot models or the MTV star-type of guy? When I say women I mean (18-30) not the girls around my age. Whats the comparison of cute guy and hot guy? Most of my male friends (white european descent) they look their age, some even much older. Like they have already older facial feautures, beards, goatees, etc. What do women think of baby-faced or younger-than-age looking asian dudes?

Motorcyclists: can you answer this?

I often see guys riding crotch-rockets with the back wheel extended a good foot or so. Does this have any practical purpose, like keeping the bike from flying out from under the driver? Also, are these bikes modified after having been purchased or is it a standard feature on some models?

Possible Dislocated Knee?

I fell about 5 feet, and when I landed my knee popped and cracked alittle, like three quick pops. I landed with my leg straight and thats why it happened. Maybe I hyper extended the joints or I may have pulled a muscle or I might have a dislocated knee. Im not sure what it is? Should I go to the doctor. It hurts bad and it is difficult to move. It happened today, could it be something I can just walk off and ill be fine in a couple days?

Syria problem effecting Turkey?

Will the fleeing Syrians effect tourism in Turkey at all? I am travelling to the Bodrum area in 2 weeks and I am worried about the chances of conflict? Can anyone answer?

Why are muslims, and not christians, claiming that their book contains advanced science?

Christians claim that the bible contains science as well. There are even many Christian books about science and the bible. All of this "science" however has been debunked. There is no science in the bible or in the quran which was not known already.

How to cahnge the front calipers on a 1994 nissan extended cab small pickup truck?

please help how to cahnge the front calipers on a 1994 nissan extended cab small pickup truck? thanks!

Why can't people be more accomodating to foreigners?

When a stranger comes to your country, is it not your duty as host to extend hospitality to them and have the good grace not to complain of their differences?

Do you girls like bearded men?

I don't like any facial hair on men. Except, eyebrows and eyelashes of course. Facial hair reminds me of older men or my dad. So, dating anyone with it would be very uncomfortable.

GIRLS do you like this guy?

16 years old, dark brown hair, dark eye brows, 5'7, in shape skinny, bottom goatee but not mustach or anything... i drive a jacked up Dodge Ram

Can anyone Guess what our P.M. will do after these Fuel hikes?

he will remain silent and he may go for an foreign tour. it is not easy to be prime minister of india.... that is the biggest truth..........

Is there anything grammatically wrong with those two sentences?(I’m not a native English speaker)?

I doubt I can be of much help as I am not a native English speaker either, but if anything, don't listen to the other person's advice. It's definitely "author's", not authors...and "Any resemblance...IS unintenional...", not ARE. I mean, come on...

Please check out my story idea! What do you think?

It's a good story though whats the genre? fantasy or just romance cuz that can change a lot but otherwise, cuz if its fantasy and theres a special reason she flees the party then its a very good story

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are these signs that he's been depressed/sad?

I was dating this guy for a little while and we had to break it up for really unfair reasons (long story) but we definitely had a connection and lots of chemistry. Well, I haven't seen or heard from him in a couple of months and he was recently tagged in pics looking like he's gained weight and is now growing a goatee...just looking very different from before.

What sort of weapon would a vampire normally use?

I'm planning fiction, mainly video games, and I've got an idea in my head about vampires. Basically like Sonic, but not as fast and with vampires. The object is that you're fleeing from vampire exterminators, most of which are hired killers. Now, with that in mind, how is a the vampire going to defend himself?

What happens specifically when matter and anti matter interact?

First off, matter and energy are interchangeable. Yes, there are two laws to conserve both individually, but when it comes down to it, energy is matter and matter is energy. When it comes to anti-matter/matter interaction, the particles "annihilate" and give off pure energy in the form of combustion. Try here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do some women grow masculine facial hair, like beards?

Ain't hormone levels wonderful things? High testosterone to estrogen ratio makes humans grow facial hair (most of us anyway... some ethnic groups not so much.) Some individuals, though female, make a relatively high level of testosterone. As a result, beards and mustaches, and coarse body hair. The laser hair removal industry is thriving as a result!

Ok, ladies. Clean shaven, stubble, goatee, or beard.?

Which of these do you prefer? I had a goatee for years and shaved it because most girls weren't a fan.

Who was the actor in Source Code...?

The guy on a train who had longish dark hair, a goatee, and I've seen him in a movie before! It might have been a Disney Channel movie...I'm not sure. He's the guy that Gyllenhaal went through his bag and then ended up punching him.

If duck is a verb because of something ducks do, like goose is a verb because of something geese do,?

(which I know to be so because I have personally been goosed by a goose), and chicken means what it does because chickens flee from everything, well - when do ducks duck? I've never owned ducks. Do they duck from something?

Why do I sleep so long? help its starting to affect my life.?

Hi I'm Mando, I'm 20 years old andsleeping is becoming an issue in my life. Well it has startedwheni was 14that I was starting to able to sleep 12 hours ormoreina day. Like today I went to sleep at 12:30am andwoke up at 3:10pm. Wtf is wrong with me? I have tried taking sleeping pills at a certain time so I could wake up earlier but yeah right who was that fooling. It's like that whenI workordon'tI could not have done **** and go to sleep for 14 hours. I think its a problem I cant fix on my own. It really is a threating crisis the people around think I don'tcare orthink I don'twant to do **** for my life but I have a bunch of medical problems. Can someone please help me I don'tknowwhat todo. And unlike everyone else yeah I'mbroke anddon'thave insurance so no money involved solutions. I have a loud as can be alarm clock andI can'tcontrol it. Don't hear my alarm clock only way I wake is if someone physically touched me or when my body decides to. My medical problems are my back( My L4 andL5 don't space so nerve pinching, extended rotatorcuffanda calcium build up or a sist under my blade. I have a bit ofphysicalturrets and a bit of ocd.) And I do smoke cannibis, butonlya gram a day. For people that's 2 blunts or 4 joints or 6 bowl. But I sleep the same way if I don't smoke eithier. Have had periodic times of cannibis free. Don't do Amy other drug.

When will i grow a full beard?

well my beard right now isnt impressive. I have great side burns and i can grow a goatee but the hairs are blonde with some brown with my cheeks theres hairs but not full. Im 19 any advice?

Extended project - what should my title be?

Basically, at college i'm doing the extended project, i need a title that i am able to discuss. An example of one is 'the different methods used during child labour'. I'd quite like to do something about children/nursing, can anybody give me a hand.

Why did the beboppers in jazz wear hats, glasses, and a goatee? what were those hats called?

French berets. To wear a goatee was unconventional, dark glasses exuded an air of mystery, and berets were European. It was very Bohemian.

I need help identifying a painting of a man smoking a pipe?

One of my friends found a painting at a thrift store and we feel like it looks familiar, but no one has been able to figure out who it is yet. It is of an old man with white/gray hair parted on the left, a handlebar mustache with a goatee, he is smoking a pipe, and he has a lace collar.

Extending a 457 visa and getting a PR in Australia?

I am currently on a 457 Visa and not sure whether my sponsor will extend the same. I would like to get this extended say maybe to around 4 years and ultimately use the time to get a PR here in Australia. Can I still search for jobs when I am on a 457 visa sponsored by one employer and what happens if I get a suitable job with a different employer with a 4-year contract. How does the formalities play out ? Does the old visa get cancelled and will I be issued a fresh visa?

Does this girl like me? I'll answer your questions?

well maybe. its clearly she is shy about it. so try to flirt with her if she flirts back or blushes it is clear she has a crush on you. but it is weard to be an 18 year old and be shy normally you don't give a heck and flirt but watev i mean i still have 5 years to be 18. if you think i am too young to answer your question then don't try my method but it is effective ;) xd hope i helped

What does a partition do?

Yes. That partition will show us as if it is a second hard drive, It will probably by E:/ as D:/ is normally given to the CD or DVD drive in your computer.

What do those who are anti-religion mean when they say "keep it in your homes and in your churches"?

i think you have possibly misunderstood, obviously i can not speak for others i am not someone who says that, but i think they are quoting christian philosophy. i don't think that they are suggesting that you should not be allowed to where a silver cross or any public display, but that christian philosophy does not permit such acts. i think rather than suggest that you should not be allowed to do these things rather suggesting that you are being hypocritical for doing these things, according to the philosophy you are claiming to follow.

Why are student's college debt increasing as time goes on?

Yes, the cost of college has gone up far more than most other expenses in the last 40 years. But it does give you the benefit of a college degree that will make you far more employable than most high school students. On the other hand, you had choices when you applied to college. You could have chosen community college for two years, chosen a state university over a private school, or gone to school part time and worked a job while you got your education -- as many students do. Parents try to warn their kids about taking on excessive amounts of loan debt, but all the students think about is, "I want to go off to school like my friends and have a good time." There is SO much information out there on the Internet -- why don't high school students take advantage of that and do some research ahead of time?

"Insecurity attacks" -- how to stop and prevent them from happening?

This is actually very common. The thing you are having is actually called a panic attack, it sounds like you could even have some anxiety. The only way to stop this or have these attacks slow down a little is to think positive or trick yourself into thinking something good. Everything is really just mind over matter. If you think something in your head hard enough you will soon believe it even if it isn't real, so stop saying your insecure (even if you are) and start saying something positive. You could also see a therapist and they could help you with this problem more.

Why is continuous recording time short? Can I extend it?

I have purchased a Panasonic HM TA-1 with continuous recording time of approx 30min. Is this based on battery life or on storage space? Can I extend this time by buying a bigger SD card and keeping the camera plugged for charging?

How do I stop Yahoo Answers from sending me emails?

I keep getting emails about extending my questions or people have choice the best answer to your question. How do I stop receiving these emails?

Had a beard trimming accident. Are goatees still 'hip'?

Hip or not,for better or worse,I have one,although I shave it off every week or so,my facial hair grows into a goatee naturally,I don't have to trim it into shape.

How to grow facial hair faster?

Im not worried about a mustache(im got a good enough one). Im 13 and i want to know how to make chin hair grow faster I want a goatee like this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Girls: What do you think about side burns on guys?

It honestly depends on the guy. Generally speaking, light hair guys rarely look good with facial hair. However, some guys definitely can pull it off. Sorry this answer doesn't help much, but it's very dependent on face shape and other factors. Also, don't even try to grow it if it won't grow in fully and will only be spotty.

Help me remember my favorite horror film?

A long time ago I was able to view a series of films by the same director. They were possibly the best horror films I have ever seen and I am unable to remember the name of the director. I, unfortunately, only remember a few bits and pieces of a few of the films ( i saw them a very long time ago) The first film depicted a hobo who became obsessed with a woman. The hobo was frequently shown alone with balloons. In the end, the woman dies, and he molests her dead corpse. The second film depicted a villain betting a man he can get him to eat his wife. After a fair amount of time and exposure to other people cannibalizing each other, he submits. I beleive this villian (who had a goatee and was called some title like "doctor" or "duke" or something ) was a recurring one that showed up through many of his horror films. Please help me, thanks.

Why do girls think ALL men look better without a moustache?

That isn't true. My partner is from Mexico and he is living in my country New Zealand. I love his moustache. Depends on where you go.

Looking for direction for a 6 month tourist visa to the USA..?

.. even though I live in a country that is covered by a 90 day waiver tourist visa, I cannot apply for an extended stay for another 90 days on this visa. What and where is the visa form I do need to fill in for a total of a 6 month/180 day stay? I do not need a work visa at this time as I have funds to cover a 6 month stay. But that's not to say that will not change. I am not currently in the USA.

Heavy Metal hairstyle for Teenager?

Rebel headbanger? Heavy metal? I'm a classical pianist and neo-romantic style composer and I always thought that long hair was a more classical musician look. But I guess you could count Berlioz as a real headbanger with heavy metal like music.